Backup Plan Idea Criteria and Segments
Overall description of the project: Create a website which has data, chatbots, practice problems, course information, study material, and lessons for various courses in Del Norte High School.
- Spring Framework will be used with Spring REST Services and Spring Security
- Implementing JWT, JPA, and SQL
- API: Prediction of the scores or placement based on the overall school’s preformance levels which is calculated anually by the California Department of Education.
- Description of the API: A school’s score or placement on the API is designed to be an indicator of a school’s performance level and is calculated annually by the California Department of Education
- Parent class for basic Del Norte High School course
- Inheritance used when the various Child classes (the different courses of Del Norte High School) extends Parent Class.
- Data recieved from Overall Grade of class, time for homework, AP Exam Scores, Passing percentage, Prerequsites, materials needed, and study material.
- Log-in page for individual progress and customization of website.
- Frontend: Using Javascript with HTML, Github Pages, SASS, and CSS.
- Log-in page will be part of the Frontend.
- Backend: Using Java with a Spring Framework